2000 Years Letter Read by AI


In my childhood, I have watched many parts of Indiana Jones and I have not missed any
 of them. Whenever I used to watch an old treasure hunt video and then the treasure
 was found through that, I used to enjoy it a lot. My interest in the story would increase.
 I think that all the stories that were there, why did we get stuck in them? 

I realize that we were always looking for treasure, but we also wanted to know what kind of 
knowledge did the first civilizations make? What kind of technology did they have? 
And what kind of insight and understanding did they have? and can be. Floods or wars, 
earthquakes or seasonal changes, all of these together have slowly destroyed this knowledge
 of the earth. But today when archaeologists 

dig the earth, we see such tablets, we see many such things, even when fossils are seen, 
the eyes are the But if I tell you that today we have made a tool which will read maps 
immediately, then you just have to find the map and treasure is in your left hand.
 So I take you to a town in Italy where we have got many maps and many 
ancient writings. The name of this town is Herculaneum. I am showing you
 the map of Italy. Many years ago, about 80-89 years after the birth of Jesus, 

an earthquake occurred here. The mountain of the cave was called Mount Vesuvius It was
 destroyed and due to lava, a lot of knowledge was lost here When the scrolls came in the lava, 
they were carbonized They burned and you can see the scrolls here Now we have
 about 1800 papyrus scrolls. These are special scrolls which were written in old times. 
And now, humans are very curiously looking at the secrets hidden inside these scrolls. 
But, we cannot open these scrolls now because they are so carbonized and burnt from 
the top that if I open them, they will be broken into pieces and will be of no use. to of is
 information information a I would have told you that these are 4 big things but inside
this also many small algorithms were being used and imaging techniques were
 being used which are out of the scope of this video.

 But now we are doing this work that we are making an AI construct from that scan, 
we are making a digital model of this whole scroll and we are trying to identify 
symbols in these. Now these symbols are also extinct. of We are reducing noise and 
making algorithms for it. Along with that we are also detecting ink. Detecting ink is 
a very difficult task because if it is black ink and your scroll is also carbonized, then 
it is very difficult to detect ink. But the scans we did and AI detected ink very 
accurately and separated it. accurate is the symbols. 

The symbols are then compared to the symbols that we already had and then it is seen where the symbols do not match or do not have any meaning. Then the person himself improved 
those places so that its meaning can be obtained. So, the symbols are now very easy to read.
 and we started decoding these 1800 scrolls slowly. Now what information we got from this? 
This is not written in this research paper which we will get to know with time. But this is 
a big change, a big achievement and the reason for this is that we Muslims also have
 a lot of knowledge which has been seen by the earth, which has been seen by the rivers,
or maybe it is still present somewhere and has not reached us.

 If that knowledge reaches us, then we can decode that knowledge very easily through
 Artificial Intelligence and we can bring it in our life But it is very important for us to 
understand that whenever we get a unique book or a treasure map, you must have liked 
the treasure map in this video or we get a book, scroll or tablet, we should immediately
 protect it and then we will have to hand over to such authorities to read it and see it.
 We have very old cultures, the Harappa culture, the Monjadar culture which is one 
of the oldest cultures in the world. I don't know what kind of treasure of knowledge
is hidden here which is not able to reveal itself. the world.

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